In your ways…

In your ways…

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If I could love you in your ways,
We’d do all clichés without letting each other know they are one. 
We’d first kiss in the rain,
And you’d smile after we’d be done,
And think we’re different. 
We’d talk under stars about weed and wine,
And run in the mountains,
And search for cheap bars on Google. 
We’d always be high,
On each other.
You’d cry in the end,
Of every happily ever after,
And later, curse them. 
You’d tell me which dress wouldn’t suit me,
And you’d never let me clean shave. 
But sometimes,
In those rare moments,
You’d hold me like there’s no “letting me go”,
And just stare,
Like in the movies you hate. 
In that moment,
I’d feel safe,
I’d like feel a stranded stranger on your favourite street,
And in that moment,
All the sad stories,
That we were supposed to tell each other and cry,
Would vanish,
And we’d conquer the world in each other’s hands,
Occasionally, my hand and your waist. 
With you,
It’d not be like I’d not be expressing,
With you, it’d be like I’d not remember them,
The bad ones,
And the good ones, wouldn’t seem good enough. 
This feeling,
It’d be there until you’d crack a joke to lighten the situation,
And I’d hate waiting for another such moment.
You know, we’d fight a lot,
And never sort it out,
We’d not talk for days and weeks,
Until one day,
When you’d be done and share some stupid video on facebook,
And I’d see it and not reply,
Later, we’d do this several times,
Unless it makes one of us give up,
Unless we’d be done playing stupid games.
Remember, you say how right people never leave,
You know, how happy I get to know that I am the one,
Just the one. 
So, when i spill the drink and never mop,
And when you do all these things,
I’d never tolerate in a person,
In all those moments,
I feel lucky,
To get the right person in my life,
And in all those moments,
I want to learn to love you in your ways.

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